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Motor Accidents Compensation (MAC)

MAC Scheme for road accidents

Road accidents (car, bike, truck, etc) are a cause of thousands of injuries in the Northern Territory each year. Almost all people injured in a road accident or by a vehicle are entitled to benefits under the ‘no fault’ Northern Territory Motor Accidents Compensation scheme (MAC).

Are you entitled to compensation?

The MAC scheme covers drivers, riders, passengers, cyclists and pedestrians and can cover the cost of medical, rehabilitation and financial support required after a road accident.

If you have a road accident related injury and want legal advice, we can advise if you can make a claim for compensation and what support the scheme can offer you.

If your claim under the scheme has been refused and you believe this may be a mistake, we can advise on your next steps.

Free initial phone consultation

We offer free initial phone consults for all road accident related enquiries. For some MAC matters, we can work for you on a ‘no win, no fee’ costs agreement.

Experienced MAC scheme lawyers

Our team of solicitors have substantial experience in MAC claims and can provide expert advice and support throughout the process.