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Elizabeth McAuley

Associate Solicitor

Elizabeth McAuley joined our firm in 2023 after relocating from Canberra. She previously worked with Legal Aid ACT in their general practice.

Elizabeth has appeared in various Courts and Tribunals, and has practiced across several jurisdictions including Queensland, the ACT, and recently Northern Territory.


Elizabeth has experience representing clients from non-English speaking backgrounds, older persons experiencing elder abuse, victims of family violence and personal violence, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, and individuals living with physical, intellectual, and psychological disabilities.


She treats each matter individually and with compassion and strives to offer practical and cost-effective assistance to her clients.


Elizabeth can assist with matters including:

Civil litigation and disputesWorkers’ Compensation
Mental health and guardianshipPersonal injury
National Disability Insurance SchemeNegligence and public liability
Employment disputesMotor Accidents Compensation (MAC)
Freedom of information